Steph & Vic

Las Vegas, NV

Steph & Vic

Las Vegas, NV

Our Story

Where it All Started

Back in high school, if someone had predicted our story, we would have probably laughed and said, "No way." It's funny how we were always around the same group of friends, yet barely spoke a word during weekend soccer games and tournaments. Vic was the reserved, shy, quiet type (at least that's what Steph thought), while Steph was the cool, nerdy older sister. Although we went down different paths after high school, we somehow always found a way to keep in touch, even if it was just every few years. And now, here we are, ready to share our love story!

Never Have I Ever

The first time Vic ever hit on Steph was during a late night game of Never Have I Ever. Although Vic doesn’t remember this moment at all (thanks Carmen for getting this on Snapchat), he somehow managed to get Steph's IG handle. Looking back now, it was clear that Vic was in it for the long haul.

Beer Pong Champions

Fast forward 5 years and this is where it all started. Vic and a bunch of friends came over to my parents house for a kick back that started with one of our favorite team events… BEER PONG! I still don’t know if my brother knew Vic’s intentions, but somehow Vic and I were paired as partners and were told that losers had to kiss. Which, what? Dumbest rule ever, but guess who won 4 games back to back! Needless to say, Vic never got that kiss. To my surprise, Vic’s confidence led him to asking Steph’s mom where she thought he should take a girl out on a date, not knowing it was her daughter. And the rest is history….

The Move

3 months into dating, Steph got an incredible opportunity to move to Seattle and despite not being official, we made the decision to move together. Some would say that a new job, a new city and new relationship would break us, but it’s been 5 years and it’s only made our relationship stronger. We joke about it now, but when you know, you know.


When we first started dating, Vic had these 2 rules: we had to date for 3 months before making it official and be together 5 years before getting married. Steph had a clear agenda and was 100% confident that the 5 year rule could be accelerated…..funny how we just celebrated 5 years in February.

From the bottom of our hearts, all of you reading this right now have been part of our love story and we cannot wait to celebrate our special day with our favorite people.